Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pittsburgh G-20

What is happening to our beautiful Republic. This has been a horrific week for those of us who love this country and it's constitution. I am sickened more and more each day by what is happening to us. The 1st Amendment guarantees the right to assembly. And apparently the 1st amendment is no longer valid. I'm beginning to think that our Constitution is no longer valid. The government is overstepping it's boundaries.... big time. It has been for a number of years but this is insane. The protest in Pittsburgh started peacefully. Until the chief of police declared the assembly unlawful. Apparently he did not read the constitution before he took his oath. After getting blasted with sound cannons people started throwing rocks at police vehicles and rolling dumpsters down a hill at the riot police. I am not condoning this behavior, however can you blame the peaceful protesters for being angry? I can't. We've all seen the videos on the mainstream media of the Anarchists. We are made to believe that this was a protest against capitalism. Even the "Fair and Balanced" Fox News is doing this kind of reporting. Our president is speaking out in support of UN laws and global currency, global governance. This kind of talk used to be in the shadows but now it is in the spotlight.
I challenge you to go to and type in "Rex 84". Then go to the news section and type in "New World Order" (take a look at the number of articles you find for New World Order) You may want to bring a puke bucket. I have been trying for a long time to disprove this stuff, and I really wish I could. The time to act is now. Get involved with your Representatives and Senators. Democrats, Republicans, Independents.... There are differences of opinion on minor issues at the grass roots level. In Washington they are all on the same team. Some are more extreme than others but the majority do not represent the people. They represent special interests. Banks, Corporations, so called non-profits. They have created a climate in which we fight with each other because we see them doing it in Washington. We have to unite as Americans and take our Republic back. Not democrats and republicans. For the sake of our children and grandchildren. Here is a link to some footage from the University of Pittsburgh that you will not see in the Mainstream Media. Tear Gas and rubber bullets...... really? Some of these people were not part of the protest and were literally trapped in a stairwell while they breathed in tear gas. We cannot be silent anymore. God bless you and God bless the USA

Friday, September 25, 2009

Thoughts on the Ecomony

I keep hearing that our economy is on it's way to recovery. I can't help but laugh at statements like this. I am no economist, don't even have a college education, however common sense and an understanding of how our monetary system works should be enough to laugh at any hint that the recession is over.

Thanks to Richard Nixon's executive order that took our currency off the gold standard we are now in the business of creating money out of thin air. When you study how money is created it is a bit mind numbing to find out that this practice is actually legal. This is a link to a document that was released by the Federal Reserve of Chicago. It has a lot of confusing "banking language" however the process is quite simple. Hmmm..... I wonder why they made it confusing??? Maybe so you won't look into it. This video will give you a quick 10 minute overview of how money is created. Hold on tight to your pants, like I said I can't believe this practice is legal. Please watch the video before continuing, it will help you understand some of the things I will be discussing.

Back to my original topic about the laugh ability of the concept that the recession is over. The Great Depression started as a recession as a result of the Federal Reserve's banking practices. Ironically enough the bankers were able to convince the people of the United States (as well as President Woodrow Wilson who signed the Federal Reserve Act) that a private central bank would solve economic panic and recession problems. However they created the recession that lead to the Great Depression. This recession would have been short however thanks to government intervention and the Statist Franklin D. Roosevelt, the United States saw a Depression that seemed to drag on forever. Another misconception is that FDR's New Deal brought an end to the Great Depression. Take a look at what exactly the New Deal was and you will see that there is no way this is the case. In fact World War II is what brought an end to the Great Depression. The problem is that FDR refused to let the economy fix itself, which in a Capitalist society it will.

This is the same issue that we are seeing today. President Obama is refusing to let the recession bottom out. He keeps pumping money into the economy. Some may see this as "putting an end to the recession." If this is true it would be the first time in history that we, or anyone for that matter, have been able to fix a recession with more debt. Debt caused the recession, how can more debt fix it? The biggest issue with this practice is that when the bottom drops out of the economy, and it will, it will lead to another Depression. The amount of government intervention will determine how long and how deep into depression we go.

In conclusion, the Federal Reserve is the problem. It is a private international banking cartel. NOT A GOVERNMENT ENTITY! Just because the word "Federal" is there does not make it Federal. Example: Federal Express..... Every time we create money we are essentially stealing value from the money already in circulation (inflation). And the money that we print has interest attached to it. So how can we ever expect to get out of debt? The only way to soften the debt is to raise interest rates (retract the money supply). However with a private central bank you can never get out of debt. This is the reason that we have Social Security. The United States could not repay their debts, so now you are the collateral. Before Social Security you had to offer up property to a bank in order to get a loan. Now you give them your Social Security Number. (I bet you will be even more sickened to find out that Social Security Numbers are not issued by the United States.) Hopefully I have not bored you too much and given you some insight into how our debt system works. Now I'm sure you are wondering 'who owns the Federal Reserve?' Take a look at my signature and you will get your answer. There are only 5 countries in the world that they do not own Central Banks in. And now for my final fun fact for the day. Before the attacks on 9/11 there were 7 countries that were free from this banking cartel. Can you guess the additional 2? Iraq and Afghanistan. Well I am thoroughly sick to my stomach so I will leave you with this for now. Thanks for listening, and as I always say. There is absolutely no reason why you should believe a word I, or anyone else tells you. Do your homework! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, and I will try to point you in the right direction.
God Bless

"Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes the laws." - Mayer A. Rothschild